Your Roadmap
to an Elite College

With Selfplanr, you can craft your four-year high school journey with flexible and personalized weekly plans to lead you to your dream college.

Step 1 Set your goals for high school Step 2 Get tasks to complete weekly Step 3 Fine-tune and reach your goals!

Personalized Goal Setting

Embark on your journey to an elite college with clarity – Start by detailing your dreams, preferred majors, interests, ongoing extracurriculars, and college goals with our “Craft Your Future” feature. Begin the process to a truly personalized pathway to success through:

  • Communicating your hobbies and interests
  • Detailing your aspirations for high school success
  • Seamless integration your ongoing extracurriculars

Your input serves as the basis of a personalized roadmap toward academic and personal success.

Dynamic Four-Year Planner

Catalyze your ambition to tangible achievements through our detailed and adaptable planner – Your high school journey will be structured into flexible weekly goals and tasks that will cultivate an unbeatable resume and personal and social development for holistic success.

  • Efficient Weekly Tasks for College Success
  • Personalized & Adaptable Goal Customization
  • Collaborative Planning with Mentors and Peers
  • Dynamic Progress Tracking and Visual Insights

Build a truly unique and well-rounded resume.

Discover Countless Opportunities

Expand your horizon – Discover opportunities beyond academics with our Opportunity Finder.


Gain hands-on job experience to expand your skills and round out your resume.


Browse through thousands of opportunities to fund your academic career.

Research & Shadowing Opportunities

Discover and grow your passion to deepen your interest in your field of interest.


Become a true part of your community and create meaningful impact.

"A dream written down, becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps, becomes a plan. A plan backed by action, becomes a reality."

profile picture
Greg Reid
Author of "The Secret of Happiness"

Start Paving Your Way to Success

Be among the first to experience this innovative tool designed to streamline and gain a head start in organizing and optimizing your high school career effortlessly.